Mount Carmel High School

Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania

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This site was developed because more than 50 years have transpired since this class graduated and yearbooks have begun to seriously deteriorate or perhaps have been discarded. My yearbook, from which this site was developed, is in extremely bad shape. As a result some pictures are smudged, speckled or creased. I tried to clear up as many of the defects as I could with photo software but, mostly, it was a futile process. Furthermore, the printing techniques used to produce the yearbook back in 1950 are not conducive to producing sharp enlargements. Nevertheless, I think it fills a void. I could not find anything of a comparable nature, for this class, using many internet search engines.

If you have any criticisms, comments or suggestions I'd appreciate hearing about them. Also, I apologize for any omissions or mistakes I may have made, but please do let me let me know about then so they can be corrected. While I do have several Email addresses I would prefer to be contacted by regular mail.

My address is -

Ed Hook
10 Stonebrook Cove Road
Fletcher NC 28732